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What´s Christmas???

You probably know that Christmas is celebrated on December 25.

The families distribute gifts that Santa Claus left under the Christmas tree on Christmas morning.
Many attend church services on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning, and later gather for Christmas dinner with extended family.
Christmas is the observance of Jesus’ humble birth to a virgin in a stable in Bethlehem.
The holiday also celebrates the events surrounding his birth, such as an angel’s appearance to shepherds, telling them to visit the newborn king.
Christmas is certainly the most important Christian holiday
popular, at least in terms of cultural and social significance.The early Church, believing that events later in Jesus’s life should be the focus, didn’t even consider it all that significant.
December 25 was selected to line up with several pagan Roman holidays that celebrated the winter solstice and worship of the sun.Most of the traditional customs of Christmas, such as gift giving, tree decorating, light hanging, and feasting, come from sources other than the Church.
The historical roots of Santa Claus come from many sources. The earliest known inspiration for the legend comes from the fourth century in the form of Saint Nicholas, figure known for his generosity to the poor.
 Americans embraced the idea of Santa Claus, who was said to deliver gifts to good boys and girls on Christmas Eve.


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